A brief biography of myself

Greetings world, my name is Daniel Elliff and i have never been a blogger but I suppose that it is never too late to start! I am a senior at UCA majoring in communications and minoring in PR. I am technically a super senior (I think that means I have special powers or something) and I will graduate fall 2015!

As far as extra curricular activities I love to play as well as write music. I have played piano and guitar since I was 13 and still passionately pursue this. I love rock climbing, hiking, biking, swimming, and just about anything else you do outside. I also binge watch shows on Netflix, I’m sure many college students can relate (stupid Netlflix!).

I’m not sure what my career goals are, anything with people, I love people. I have always been a people person and that is why I started studying communication and public relations. I chose these specific fields because I believe they will propel my future career, whatever it may be.

I am looking forward to sharing a bit of my life and adventure with all who read this blog. Thanks for taking the time to read my rant.

Nature is a big part of my life, it resides deep inside my soul. It is when I am outside that I feel most alive.
Nature is a big part of my life, it resides deep inside my soul. It is when I am outside that I feel most alive.

Daniel Elliff

Check out my social media information here:



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